Obama Chicago Cronyismcorruption

Appointed by Obama in a premeditated criminal design from NY Loretta Lynch the same corrupt city Patrick Fitzgerald (Chicago Ex U.S.Atty) and Robert Grant (Ex Chicago FBI) came from to operate the Serial Murder FBI special Organized Enhanced Stalking Interrogation Project a Washington, Quantico FBI , in criminal undertaking involving 100's of million of dollars and atrocious tactic of Interrogation Treats of Death, Kid Napping of Family members, Mutilation , Etc, READ and BELIEVE
copy of e mail sent 8/14/2014 to Washington Inspector general 149 p.m.
*****The Immediate Needed Inspector Generals Intervention in to the Chicago Field office of the Federal Bureau of Investigations,Etal*************
I have contacted the Washington and Chicago office of the United States Inspector Generals office numerous times about the filed factual atrocious criminal misconduct involving the Chicago FBI field office and its joint task force operatives, and its Profile Serial Murder, Child Kidnapping, Violent crime, Behavior Science agents, and the factual fraud and criminal misconduct .
The unit is disseminating law enforcement data to the public in a intentional criminal reckless design to get Carte Blanche operating powers, operating with a multi-billion dollar satellite United States Department of Justice project with 30 - 100 operative operating in a premeditated criminal undertaking to conceal, hinder, and stop the essential investigation that must be done, because of the factual reported Fraud, and criminal misconduct of the Chicago, Central Illinois field offices of the FBI.
The agents have entered inside places of employment to brief numerous employers along my route of travel to use the direct immediate threats of Executioners in waiting, that alleged they were going to cut my body up inside stores(restaurants/butcher shops, delivery stop along my route,etc.), they wielding the powers of the Chicago dangerous law enforcement establishment have/are using their Advanced Satellite and Bio-Metrics voice print technology to unlawfully keep me in a unlawful continual rapport of outrageous,practice of malicious Psychology to condition and program that I committed numerous Predator assault,Homicides, and Kidnappings I never committed to solely get a unlawful confession to get Immunity and then I would languish in state prison till a appeal or post conviction attorney court ordered the factual Exonerating evidence.
The unit and its operatives have wielded the powers of law enforcement in the city of Chicago's dangerous west side where are 2111 W. Roosevelt, Illinois Parole Headquarters Oakley & Roosevelt, Chicago police Harrison & Kedzie area 4 headquarters, the unit is making intentional reckless dangerous statement to the public of me being a convicted sex offender (NEVER HAVE I EVER HAD ANY SEX OFFENSE ARREST OR CONVICTION), alleging I assaulted numerous of my Ex girlfriends children and transmitted S.T.D.'s to them, and stating there are Children missing to get carte Blanche operating powers, exploiting missing and or dead children, to Impede any type of investigation into the united states department of justice and the atrocious criminal suppression of factual evidence the unit originally took from solved closed crime scenes where children were abused and murdered prior to my residing, to undermine the justice system, and then create/manufacture factual alternative crime hypotheses to keep a ongoing Investigation under way, costing tax payers millions of dollars.
Included is a copy of the original petition filed in your office and the petition I am seeking to place on the United states Congress floor ( I Hope your Office can Will,l remedy the Situation By Appointment of Your Field agents Beforehand ), in all due professional diligence.************************************************* Petitioning Rep. Bobby Rush
This petition will be delivered to:

Rep. Bobby Rush
Rep. Daniel Lipinski
Rep. Luis Gutierrez
Rep. Danny Davis
President Barack Obama
Rep. Jan Schakowsky
Sen. Mark Kirk
Appoint Independent Counsel Because of the Severe Internal Conflict of Interest inside worlds most corrupt Machine Chicago

Daniel Laveau
Petition by
Daniel Laveau
Chicago, United States

To protect the citizens for Rogue/Corrupt officials drafting of a Bill/Congressional order on the next congress/senate hearing PLEASE READ TO PROTECT THE PEOPLE

Daniel LaVeueaux <dj43

7:15 PM (20 hours ago)

to state_scheduler

Now read all this communication to be informed aware and responsible in regards to the Essentially Needed Congressional Inquiry involving hundreds of millions of dollars and Major Fraud, and outrageous shocking criminal misconduct of the UNITED STATES, STATE OF ILLINOIS,AND CITY OF CHICAGO. We needed volunteers to get signatures and contact their local Congressman and News media,etc.

1- IF A MAN WAS A SEXUAL PREDATOR, KIDNAPPER,SERIAL MURDERER the law enforcement establishment, would of never let him know he was being followed, and would of caught him guilty.

2- If the FBI, Etal didn't suppress the factually Exonerating Evidence of the following solved closed crime scenes or manufactured, they would of brought him in a police interrogation room from day start.

3- Now what do criminal deranged law enforcement officials, proven to been fraudulent, do they state they lie to Chicago. No they create threats to society (obsession to serial murders, alter the factual exonerating evidence, harass and retaliate every time the evidence of exoneration is presented in public), only to stop/hinder the fair opportunity to present it and hold them accountable.

Included is the original petition filed with the United States Inspector General in Chicago and Washington, that at the present time because of a "SEVERE INTERNAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST, are being ignored, stonewall as Chicago politic as usual.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ READ AND DO YOUR PART TO HELP PETITION CONGRESS---------------------------------------------------_________________________________________________________________________________________________-












Daniel J. LaVeau, presents a serious petition for the "Immediate Investigation and Essential Protection From Dangerous Chicago Law Enforcement Officials", wielding the powers of the dangerous Chicago corrupt law enforcement establishment, after "LaVeau" presented factual exonerating evidence and premeditated fraud on the part of the "Chicago F.B.I.", "Illinois State police", "Cook County States Attorney", "Cook County Sheriff", and "Chicago Police Department", that involves a 25 year unlawful Behavior Science Project of the joint task force offices, and millions of taxpayer dollars and thousands of man power hours.

The original "F.B.I." Chicago field office in a premeditated criminal design to operate a special "Serial Murder, Violent Crime, Child kidnapping, Behavior Science Multi Discipline Task Force", to get funding and approval to use "Saturation Units" consisting of 30 - 100 special agents, and "Advanced Satellite Imaging and Bio-Metric Voice Print Technology", to do a "Unlawful Roving Enhanced Interrogation", involving the use of "Immediate Threats of Death", "Sexual Organ Mutilation" Death by Burning of being Doused with Gasoline, and placing Gasoline cans outside the "LaVeau" family home next to the premises, a "Tit for Tat Threats of Murder", "Mutilation", and "Kidnapping of his family members", and to do "Home Invasions" on his family's homes, trying to elicit a incriminating statement to numerous kidnappings and Homicides. He never committed.

The Chicago Field office of the F.B.I., after "LaVeau" presented Factual fraud on their part of taking evidence from the following solved closed crime scenes;

a. 1426 N. Greenview St. Chicago Ill, Where prior to "LaVeau" Residing Between Late Nov. 92 - Mar. 1993, A Latino couple in Approx. July 1991 Abused 2 of their kids tying them to window bars, bunk beds, ans space heaters, and unfortunately murdered 1 of the children, thats body stayed in the basement for 2- weeks, till removed by the chicago Police.( all evidence verifiable by Chicago Police reports , Cook County States Attorney court transcript, Cook County Coroner reports, and department of family services that had to place the surviving child in foster care or relocate with family.)

b. 3113 W. Lake St. Glenview Ill, Where "Philip LaVeau", (petitioners Uncle) tied his wife "Marie LaVeau" up in the attic prior to 1965, where was discovered his trousers, sweater, underwear, her night gown, wrist restraints, and numerous toys belonging to "Philip LaVeau &/or the "Eastman family", that resided in the dwelling from approx. 65 - 1980. All items manufactured prior to 1965.( forensics and testimony to the original detectives also suppressed that fact a individual named "Jerry Mahalic" used I/V drugs in the attic in 1988 during a keg party where was discovered his blood D.N.A., and he admitted to using drugs in the attic in 1988 to the lead detectives in 1995.

4. The unit of the F.B.I., started their operation between a joint task force of the "Illinois State Police', Illinois Department of Corrections", and Special prosecution Bureau of the Cook County States Attorney's office, and Cook County Sheriff, creating factually fraudulent crime hypotheses using "Geographical Profiling" of placing missing children inside the closed crime scenes believing "LaVeau" never knew there histories, and nobody would ever discover them, operating in a premeditated design of major fraud against the "United States and Illinois".

5. They created factually fraudulent crime hypotheses of using a "bone saw", discovered inside "William LaVeau's" basement (where William LaVeau operated a Coffee Machine restaurant repair shop since approx. 1976) suppressing the fact the device was wrapped in news paper dated in 1980 with over 15 years of accumulated dust on it and welding soot from were "William LaVeau" had the devise welded and repaired in 1980 after receiving the saw from a butcher at "Georges restaurant" at 230 McKenzie Chicago Ill, and having it repaired.

6. The Chicago F.B.I. then suppressed and operated in a premeditated criminal undertaking to alter the clothing of "Philip LaVeau" alleging it was "LaVeau's" fishing outfit to conceal their fraud, having lay knowledge that "Philip LaVeau" owned a Hunting/Fishing cabin in "upper Michigan on Paint Lake" that the forensics of the clothing having fish evidence on them and the fact the clothing had over 30 years of accumulation dust on it, and believed would deny "Philip LaVeau" ever existed.

7. After the Chicago F.B.I. were proven to have undermined the law enforcement establishment to use "Geographical profiling", and to have solely used solved closed crime scene evidence and / or suppressed factual exonerating evidence, and the atrocious "Roving Interrogation" Tactics of Threats of Immediate Death, Sexual Organ Mutilation, using deranged saturation units in a "Highly Dangerous Vigil Anti Style Stalking", operating with the Illinois State Police, Illinois Department of Corrections, and Chicago Police agents and their personal family members, they then created numerous factually fraudulent crime hypotheses of altering a solved closed homicide to be a "Home Invasion" that transpired at 1358 N. Ashland ave Chicago, ILL suppressing how garbage got into a abandon building at 1423 N. Greenview St. Chicago, ILL by a couple named "Sam & Carol", and created a delusional crime hypotheses of "LaVeau", being transvestite prostitute residing in the building with a "Clem Williamson" (Williamson was discovered dead in the building in approx. Mar. 1993), and also created a factually fraudulent crime hypotheses of a abandon school bus discovered at "Lemoyne & Ashland ave Chicago , ILL" to have been related to a Child's body discovered in a fire at Clybourne, Cortland, and Armitage St. Chicago, ILL in approx. July 1992 that no time frame matches and suppressing the vehicle was placed there by a "Polish Street Bum Junky named Marty", that lived inside the vehicle, stripped the vehicle down and that when the incident of their alleged fire transpired the individual "Marty" was with in 6 blocks of the area.

8. After the Chicago F.B.I. were proven to have errored or operated in a premeditated design of major fraud against the United States government and the high ranking Federal, State, and Chicago law enforcement officials learned that "Laveau" was seeking/demanding their full criminal investigation by a official with out a internal conflict of interest (United States Inspector General, Congressional Independent Appointed Special Counsel, etc), they operating in a premeditated series of planned criminal events created Propaganda of "Laveau" being obsessed with serial murderer "John Gacy"(to be praying to him/making love to him,etc), alleging LaVeau" Sexual Assaulted numerous of his friends children, (children that are dead and never alleged any type of mistreatment or assault), alleging "LaVeau" transmitted S.T.D'S. to the children Syphilis,( to lay knowledge of all law enforcement officials "LaVeau" has never been diagnosed or ever been treated for any type of S.T.D.) stating "LaVeau" was a Convicted Sex Offender/Child Predator, to create a Threat to Society to get Carte Blanche operating powers, to stop/hinder any type of investigation from being done into the factual intentionally suppressed evidence on all crimes "LaVeau" was/is targeted to have committed. And create a hostile dangerous environment to stop/hinder any type of social life, employment and stop any communication from anyone that is a threat to exposing the truth Chicago Federal Bureau of Investigations corruption, Chicago police, Cook County States Attorney, Illinois attorney General, Illinois State Police, Illinois Department of Corrections, etc.

9. The United States Government has a criminal/Civil responsibility to protect the people from dangerous multi millionaire Federal and state politicians that are wielding powers of the dangerous City of Chicago Law enforcement establishment, believing their going to keep "LaVeau" in a continual rapport of highly deranged shocking to the conscious enhanced Interrogation, Programming, and Reckless Mental Conditioning till they make him believe he committed crimes and get a confession, so they can get Immunity and "LaVeau" would sit 10- 20 years in state prison till a appeal or post conviction attorney made the court by order give the forensic science up of the solved closed crime scenes.

And as a exhibit here is the last demand request sent to the united state office of accountability..------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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