Opportunity for Enterpunerial Spirited (Ms Coast)

Mostly ready to go Substantial service company seeks possible equity partner for right person.

I have full plan for very progressive very profitable company in burgeoning industry. I built and run for 20 years a 10 million dollar/year before retiring to the south to do something "Green"

The only issue i have NOW is my prior 'PARTNERS' were NOT DRIVEN FOR SUCCESS !!! I have built and ran for 20 years a very healthy sales /collections/ marketing national network in the past. I am here to do it again. I just cant do everything myself.

I need a person or persons who wants to be paid according to their worth and contribution. .
Investments of time x effort x skills ... and /or seed cash to grow our various divisions once we establish a relationship. Silent Partners considered. . I run a ROM company. Results only Mgmt. = This is a ground floor opportunity. I need Help in a few areas. You can invest and/or grow into the job...and into Ownership too....show me Value. ... Silent Partners considered. Working Partners Preferred !! One of the positions i need filled is for online product sales and marketing / infomercials / website development and social media networking... THis drives traffic to our main website. The overall Plan is Synergistic .... Earn with commissions, equity and profit sharing possibilities ....for committed people. I like everyone to Win !! ... and all my people to be happy and healthy. Fear and Greed kills .... Intelligent Action and Genuine Integrity Rule!

** Pls, Reply with some background and interests so I know where you might fit and...

Location: Mississippi -
Added on 1 day ago and expires on 19 April, Ad id: 676838          100 visits