Take a look: http://www.meetup.com/LetsHikeStL/ over 3,000 members.. Click on "JOIN US" button to participate.
~Hiking** walking** camping** kayaking** Backpacking** and other outdoor adventures.......
~from beginner to more advanced, for fun or fitness, for the beauty of nature!.............
~our adventures are close to home and sometimes further away..................
~Take a look at our calendar and past event photos and join in on the fun
**Check out what members are saying about Let's Hike....:
"Love the group!!!" - Mary
"Great Group." - anne
"Great group! I've enjoyed every hike I've attended with these folks." - Marlene
"I love the choices of hikes and of course the knowledgeable lead." - Missy
"This is a wonderful group of people. The organizer did a great job!" - Naina