Paid Dodgeball Refs Needed (will train) (New Orleans)

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New Orleans Dodgeball Association needs multiple referees to hire to ref dodgeball games.

We will train you thoroughly, but it is on you to make sure you remember the rules and take this seriously. Permanent refs will be held to a pretty high standard about knowing the rules. It can be a bit much at first to learn all the rules and procedures, but it becomes pretty easy after a while. The main challenge after the rules is simply being able to handle player attitudes on the court, so we would prefer someone with thick skin.

There are only several hours in a night, so this is definitely an odd-job.

There are also player-refs in our leagues, but those are non-paid positions, and player-refs only ref occasionally, but get to play for free.

Now is a good time to check out an awesome and growing rec sport to meet new people and be active. As well, we will be looking to hire for more positions later, and refs will be first considered.

Go to the New Orleans Dodgeball Association website:
...or to our Facebook to see what we're.

Location: Louisiana -
Added on 1 day ago and expires on 19 April, Ad id: 443955          96 visits