We are a start up in incubation and product engineering mode right now. The objective is to create the website and ramp up the awareness of the brand in parallel to product creation.
I am looking for a SEO GURU to consult with us. The scope, beyond SEO to our website, could expand to include full internet marketing. I have a full team of web people that can make the necessary adjustments based on the recommendation, so all you need to do is to "review and provide recommendations".
I am willing to pay good money. You must be LOCAL to Redwood City, CA as I will need an in-person interview as well as several in-person meetings during this engagement. I will only speak with principals - NO AGENCIES.
To apply, please provide portfolio or resume AND 3 websites you performed SEO on with its current respective rankings.
I am not familiar with SEO so I am not sure what other details you might need. Email to apply or for questions.
I am looking to commit to one candidate by the end of this month and start work in April. Thank.