I mass mail letters monthly. I generate the letters, print them, provide an Excel spreadsheet, with every address.
I want to hire someone to sign, address, stuff these letters.
Not sure, but some spreadsheet work may be required. Not sure.
I will furnish all envelopes, stamps, printed letters with addresses.
Each letter must be hand-signed, folded, stuffed, envelope addressed, stamped and turned over to me for mailing. I will pay each batch, as I pick it up.
I estimate we will mail 1,500-2,000 letters each month, starting with month 2. Month #1 will be smaller.
This is not a high paying job, but it is easy and can be done at home.
Must have a clean workplace, time to do this, and attitude to work.
This could lead to additional work, if it works out.
I live in South Lake County, so I want someone nearby, as I will be dropping off printed letters, and picking up final.