part time nanny needed (south portland,me)

We're looking for nanny help for our two boys, 3 and 4, in south portland. My wife and I work long shifts at the hospital including nights, weekends and holidays, and don't have a set schedule. The boys go to preschool on Mondays and Wednesdays. Sometimes we need help getting the ready for school (dressed, fed) and then to preschool, something like 6:30a-8:30a. Sometimes we need help picking them up, fed, bathed, and put to bed, like 5pm to 7:30-8p. Other days we may need a full day like 6:30a to 7:30p or less. As I said, our schedule is irregular so some weeks we may just need help getting them to and from preschool while other weeks we may need a couple of full days. No nights.

The boys are very social and have had multiple nannies. We'd love to find someone who will introduce them to new foods (try to get them to eat their veggies), take them on field trips, limit screen time, spend time with crafts, learning, reading, etc.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Location: Maine -
Added on 23 days ago and expires on 28 December, Ad id: 630688          84 visits