We are a news aggregating website offering licensed content from thousands of international publishers. We are seeking informed and opinionated news readers from across the USA and Canada to participate in a usability study. If you are selected to participate, you will be provided with full access to top news stories and asked to provide 3 comments per day. At the end of a two week period, you will be sent a link to a brief on-line survey.

As a thank-you for your time and effort, all participants will receive $50 and unlimited access to the newspapers and magazines on our network during the study period.

Interested? We're looking for individuals with a wide variety of opinions on issues in the news. Send us a sample comment that you have posted on a news website recently, or tell us what you think about one of the following topics to apply:

Fracking, Global Warming, BitCoin, Nuclear Power, Gun Control, Genetically Modified Food, Organic Food, Clean Water Supply, Early Education & Literacy, Privacy & Security, Fish Farming, Low-Fat Food, Future of the Middle Class, Self-Driving Cars, 3D Printing, Aging Population

We look forward to receiving your application!

Location: Hawaii -
Added on 26 days ago and expires on 5 October, Ad id: 501602          99 visits