QR Code Link to This Post Looking for someone part time for now. You must very knowledgeable in both Photoshop and Illustrator and any other programs that would help in the creation of any materials I'll need for print production. Right now I do not need a designer, just someone that can help with layouts etc. You also must know how to colorize t-shirts as in taking a photo I give you of one t-shirt, let's say in white, and then turning that one shirt it into a variety of other colors without blowing out and losing the detail, shadow and wrinkles in the shirts so they don't look flat shapes of color. Later on when I get back from vacation, I would need you to paste PNG files on those very same shirts you just colorized. There would be several thousand files for this. So be organized and willing to work and listen to my Web designer and follow his instructions on how he wants the files organized.