Political action job. Knock on doors, help affect change. (Sunnyvale) hide this posting unhide

QR Code Link to This Post We are a small group of private citizens attempting to get a measure added to the May 2018 ballot in Sunnyvale, located just East of Mesquite, in Dallas County.

To do so, we need signatures and lots of them.

We are currently looking for people to walk in specific neighborhoods, knock on doors, talk to folks about the issue, and collect signatures from registered voters.

Please be punctual, articulate, and willing to walk in the evenings and weekends.

Pay is $12-15/hr or $5 per signature if you really have confidence in your abilities.

Send a resume and short email if

Location: Texas -
Added on 19 hours ago and expires on 25 August, Ad id: 785392          170 visits