Practicum Personal Training (Indianapolis)

[prak-ti-kuh m]

n. a course of study devoted to practical experience in a field.


My name is Michael. I figure the best way to introduce myself to you is to share some of my philosophies about personal fitness training and the industry in general. The personal training industry--especially the certifying bodies-- is a cash cow industry. It is littered with certifying bodies that only care about selling their 'certification' to some poor schlep who thinks that's all it takes to become a qualified trainer. Pay $500 dollars--get a certificate in the mail. That's pretty much the gist of it. See, the personal training industry is not regulated in any way shape or form. Anybody could start their own certification company. Having a certification from any of these organizations does not quantify knowledge. At best, a person who pays the fee to become certified maybe gets eight hours of practical, hands-on experience through a weekend seminar. Maybe. And these are the people you are entrusting to help you with your health.

I have around 15,000 hours of practical experience. To put that number into perspective, in order to be a commercial airline pilot, you need around 3,000 hours of total flight time. The industry is in it to make money--not to better the lives of the people who shell out their hard earned money. Why do you think health clubs like L.A. Fitness push their personal training packages so hard? Because it is what makes them the most money. And unsuspecting consumers buy it hook, line, and sinker every time. And then they come away disappointed more times than not for a myriad of reasons. In all of my years of working out in gyms, I very rarely have ever come across a personal trainer whom I would deem actually qualified to train. Even those who have exercise science degrees and the like I have found to be unqualified. When you major in exercise science, it's pretty much just course work. But that's not what is most important.

If a trainer doesn't have the practicum, then it's all for naught. I base my philosophies from exercisers of the past who put in the work. Men like John Grimek, Larry Scott, Steve Michalik, Arthur Jones, etc., are the ones who paved the way. They are the reason we even have exercise science. There would be no exercise physiologists, etc., if men like this didn't put in the work. And by work, I'm talking about the work that actually happens in the gym. There is no substitute for the practicum. You can't fake it. A certification is nothing but a piece of paper. True exercise knowledge and certifications are not mutually exclusive.

How can I help you change the shape of your body if I myself have not gone through that journey? I, myself, tried to "fit in" in the fitness industry, but was met with too many obstacles by the industry. I was scoffed at for not having certifications/degrees even though I had lot of experience training. And not only that, places I did interview at wanted to take way too much of the money that I would have been generating for them. Because that's all they're about--the money. Essentially, I refused to bow down to an industry whose philosophies I did not agree with. I could not compromise my integrity.

So, I pretty much walked away from it for over a decade. But, I've been back in the gym training again regularly for the past couple of years and things have been going well. I've now decided that it's time to start training other people again. It's been a long time, but it's just like riding a bicycle. I have the experience, the empathy, the interpersonal skills, the listening skills, and many other intangibles that are not obtained from any certifying body.

So, hopefully, you have a better idea of where I'm coming from philosophically. May have sounded long winded, but I'm thorough. I want to convey to you exactly how I feel, because there is no room for ambiguity in this regard. It's your health--you shouldn't be fleeced by a trainer who has no regard for you other than your credit card. Drop me a line if I have piqued your interest, and we can go from there. Give me an idea of what it is you're wanting to accomplish by having a trainer. Lastly, my rates are negotiable. The economy is in the crapper--people are losing their jobs/homes. I am not unreasonable.

Yours in health, Michael


Location: Indiana -
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