Proven Pair (Humboldt) hide this posting unhide

QR Code Link to This Post I have a female green cheek (Buddy) n a male (Starburst) Sun conure that is a proven pair. Some of the pictures is of their last clutch the 3 babies with mom (buddy) in the nest box still. Some of the pictures is with my daughter of the baby I sat on..... 2 days b4 he was getting his feathered 4ever home. Have had 5 clutches of 3 eggs each n all 5 times all eggs hatched n babies lived accept 1 I accidently sat on, n 1 that my Macaw grabbed the baby so fast n broke it's neck. I am 49 years old now n alota health probs so this year I have not gave them their nestbox, not felt up 2 hand raising babies this past year. I would part with the pair for a rehoming fee of $600.00 I do have breeder box that could go no xtra charge. Also have a cage that would b additional if it was wanted n needed n toys n dishes that would go no xtra charge with the cage. Hand feeding, Hand taming is alotta work...... 1st week every 2 hour feeding even in the middle the night. 2nd week bout every 3 hours. 3rd 2 4th week bout every 4 hours n then u will c em tappering off longer n longer till they pecking at millet n parakeet seed 2 start their normal diets. etc. lotta time n care put into these lil 1s n just getting 2 old 4 it even though I luv the time I get with the babies n the xtra cash they bring in the home. I can handle them both..... My 18 year old son can handle just (buddy), Starburst on the other hand would like 2 eat Drews face n hands off him lol. My daughter who is 10 is afraid of them both n I think they would both bite her just cuz they would sense her fear n when they sense fear they do not feel safe. However if u r gonna keep them as a breeding pair u don't want 2 handle them a bunch anyway. The less u handle them the better n more often they will produce along with creating the breeding season mood 4 them with 12 hours of daylight, a nest box etc. The pictures of me, Starburst n Sparkle was just b4 we added (buddy) who we were told was a male..... The cage already had a nestbox just 4 Starburst 2 sleep in n that is how we found out buddy was not a male when "he" started 2 lay eggs lol. No emails will b answered, n no text as this is a home.

Location: Iowa -
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