Radiology Techs or Histotechs Breast Biopsy Tissue Workflow Study

We are inviting you to participate in the phone interview regarding the breast biopsy tissue workflow and how breast biopsy methods impact your current daily work.

This study is still in field and we are looking for some more Radiology Technicians and Histotechnologists for this study.

So If you know somebody who may qualify for this study, please share the following information.

They have to be from a different facility from where you currently work.

· Name

· Profession (Radiology tech or Histotechnoloigst)

· Email address

· Phone number1

· Phone number 2


· Radiology Techs: $250 for 45 minute telephone interview (with a computer access)

· Histotechs: $150 for 45 minute telephone interview (with a computer access)

Location: Pennsylvania -
Added on 1 day ago and expires on 19 April, Ad id: 377348          82 visits