RE RE RE Seeking Crew for Low Budget Gig (hollywood hills)

Look budgets are impossible to raise for indie films. It's simple if you want to make $250/day, then go work for Hollywood or get a real job and stop trying to support yourself off of Craigslist.

Most of the indie filmmakers here use their own money, so STOP gouging indie filmmakers for every nickel and dime. Stop sending these poor independent filmmakers into bankruptcy just so you can support yourself. No one is asking for FREE WORK. The knife cuts both ways and the truth hurts! There are vulture crew people keep flagging and don't want anyone to hear the truth.

I would have to agree with both of the posts below. I graduated in 2010 from Chapman film school. I was already $25K in debt from school. After two years of internships and no jobs opportunities, I took out $30K loan to shoot my feature comedy. The crew came in and could careless if the film got distro or about the quality of the film. I was a broke student, but they charged like I was a studio. Half of them worked the other half sat on their asses. I paid $150/day + gas. At the wrap party they drank my alcohol and ate my food. Afterwards, they never called to ask how I was doing or if the film got distribution. They didn't care. The crew never recommended me for any work, but they sure wanted to work on my next projects. The independent scene is filled with vultures. I guess that's what happens when we're all fighting for crumbs while Hollywood is making Billions off of us. Most of these people are too scared to say anything. I've boycotted Hollywood and I don't make films anymore.


This post is on to something....

I have 3 friends who went bankrupt to shoot their films. One for $50K another for $120K, and the last for $250K. One lost his house and his wife while the Crew laughed and enjoyed eating craft services and working for their day rates. These filmmakers ruined their lives because they could not sell their movies and there's no indie community. There are real consequences for your actions that affect real lives. The crew didn't care and they went on to their next gigs and the whole time they knew that the projects would never make a dime. 50% of mainstream films don't make money, an indie doesn't have a chance. The exploitation happens both ways...

This guy is right about one thing........

He's completely right there's no money for indie films. The greedy executives expect us to pay high admission fees for their movies while they do not support independent film industry. It's almost like studios would want us to wither and die off rather than support us like we support them. Box office last year was $4Trillion dollars without DVD or Streaming. Just $5 million could support 20 different independent projects, but they don't want to share it because then the studios have to compete.


CREW GIGS is defined as LOW BUDGET FILM MAKING... that's why there's an option for NO PAY!

So, recently I've been getting flagged and hate mail with profanity. I'm an artist not a rich Hollywood producer trying to exploit people.

I'm purely trying to create opportunities for people who want to collaborate. What gives you the right to take that away from them?

This section is listed as low budget film making, try to understand the meaning LOW BUDGET. That doesn't mean big Hollywood blockbusters to make your rich. If you want to get rich, then go be a Lawyer or a Banker, you're in the wrong business.

I'm an artist and can not afford to pay $250/day. In addition, THE LABOR DEPARTMENT doesn't have LAWS against people who volunteer. That's why the big studios who CAN afford to pay people choose not to through their internship programs.

If you're trying to support yourself off of Crew Gigs on Craigslist, I think you need to reevaluate your life.

Why should I, a fellow artist, $100,000.00 in DEBT to finance your lifestyle. You know these films on Craigslist do not make any money. So, if you work on a project that you definitely is not making it's money back, then who is exploiting who? WHY don't you RAISE a $100K and I'll come work for you? I'll tell you why because you can't do it!

I'm an artist not a bank.

Do you know anyone who can fund a feature film? Have you ever raised funds?

No, probably not. There are established producers who can't raise funds, look at Broken Lizard and their crowdfunding campaign. There's no money for Independent Films. So, suck it up and stop harassing and blaming indie artist for the failings of an $8 trillion dollar entertainment industry that does not want to share in the success with hiring people outside their sacred circle. They don't care about us.

If you think it's so easy to raise funds, then go and do it. Or give me the name and number of an investor who has funds to finance a film.... or.

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