Re Several posts down below . . . Damn, why cant I get it right hide this posting unhide

QR Code Link to This Post I just have not been understanding fully. I see now. I need to get with the program. I have just not been willing to work with people. I have not understood what it's like to be in their situation. Whatever smaller suffering or distresses I have had in my life are quite irrelevant to their looming and unconquerable ones.

Yes. It would just be so much more convenient if I --

- drive to where you're parked (thank you for telling me the location) WITH gas in hand, or better yet, a Chevron gift card so that you can fill up now and fill up later. {I don't have a car, but I can take an Uber, can't I? Of course I can.}

- drop off some fluffy new blankets for you and your sweetie, who is unemployed for some reason. Actually, Big Lots has some great quality electric blankets on sale, and if I go to Auto Zone right after that, I bet I could find an adapter for the plug-end to fit into a little cable for the car-end, and that way you can run the blankets on really low voltage right off the vehicle. Will only need one blanket apiece that way. *Let technology work for you!*, this is the new millenium after all?! See now, if I were really thoughtful, that's what I'd bring. Not just some blankets out of my own house that I might have been using and need. If I really cared about you, I'd do this other. I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking of that clearly.

- just MAIL ya some cash, because you're really busy. You have things to do, places to be, you have commitments! You have a CHILD. Having a child trumps everything. Once the single mom card is put down, every mouth should close. Everyone needs to shut up and STEP up. We need to deliver. You can expect this. Fully-justified, no questions. We will brook no "judgments", no hesitations. Period.

- drop off some laundry money, no not a bill, silly-me, but the requisite number of quarters just in case the laundromat change-maker is broken. I mean really. What would I expect you to do? I need to think ahead about all contingencies. How can I expect you to get anything done with a twenty dollar bill. Geez. Thoughtless. Completely thoughtless. And I could maybe includ a few of those cute and helpful detergent boxes (in case you've run out of OxiClean or Purex)--and so that you won't have to use any of those other quarters.

.....ALL- because you need and want all these things
........SURF - because you've had to spend annoying time surfing the web for support
............TIDE - because great things will wash up on your shore if you wait long enough
................BOUNCE - so that you can get these pesky things done and move right on down your road
....................GAIN - because you can gain many desirable things by just begging people for them, and
........................CHEER - because it's...well, it's Christmas dontcha know. You deserve it. (& cheers to you for your winning ways.)

- Tell you my address and make sure there are fresh linens on my guest bed so that when you roll into town dead-tired from driving, you can just hop into a nice hot shower and roll into bed. Ooops, sorry ... oh? you gotta leave really early, no time for my troublesome things like any little favor on the property before departure. Can't afford 10 minutes for garbage, for shovelling, for whatever goofy thing I might bother you with. Here, I made you sammich for the road.

- Send you a bit more cash (not a money order because your strange hidden self flies under the radar with no ID in society, so cash is much better, thank you, ma'am). Yes, send you some cash but don't ask your address because you need to remain anonymous. (You've got your reasons.) Could I just send it to the Boise post office "general delivery"? That works.

- And could I pick out 2 boy presents and 1 girl present, what are the sizes please? Yes, thank you. I've written down the sizes. But besides some needed clothes, the one kid could use a pair of shoes and really, they're kids, so clothes are basically boring and sad. The girl likes Wonder Woman figurines, both boys like Star Wars. Lots of options there. Okay. Great suggestion. Thank you.

Okay. I'll get right on these things. Sorry to make you wait.

Location: Utah -
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