re What is a Hero (crotch)

Yes, we lost troops in the wars and are still losing them. The sad thing is they were all true Americans, unlike those like yourself who denigrate their sacrifice. A hundred of those like you wouldn't be worth even one of our military who sacrificed for our country.

"Bush/Cheney spent the country into the ground and we can't afford to take care of our troops"
We are used to stupid statements from liberal idiots, but yours may top the list.

The money spent on the "great society" AKA welfare for deadbeats, totals about the same amount of our federal debt.
Had Clinton concentrated on protecting our nation instead of having interns service him, 9/11 would have never happened.
When the democrats took over the check book in 07, the national debt stood at around 8.5 trillion. Every dime after that date was spent by a democrat congress and now stands at over 18 trillion.
So, I ask you, just who is the big spender?

You claim we can't take care of our troops and it's all Bush's fault, yet obam can spend millions on vacations, parties, funding raising and golfing. Why not devote some of that money to the VA instead of hauling mooshell's fat butt all over the world?
The obamba administration found the money to overthrow the Egyptian government and turn it over to the muslim brotherhood. Then he spent billions helping his buddies in al Qaida and the muslim brotherhood destroy Libya. He spent more billions arming our enemy in Libya and after the huge success there, he set his sights on Syria as the next nation to fall.
Remind us again how that is working out.
And least we forget Obama's greatest success, the birth of another muslim terrorist organization, ISIS. That bunch overshadows even the atrocities of al Qaida but as obam puts it, they're the varsity team.

Obama seems to find money to give to illegals to make them comfortable in the US, but can't find the money to help our wounded military?
He found millions to give to those who bought the presidency for him but says screw those traitorous scoundrels in the military.

I'll ask you the same question. What kind of president would run the country into the ground fiscally and not take care of our wounded?
Hint, it wasn't.

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