Read amp Record Erotica male amp female Voice (Boise)

We are a company based in Boise, Idaho that provides niche marketing for companies overseas. We are starting a campaign that is looking for men and women that can tell a scripted story of both soft core and hard core erotic situations.

Are you a good storyteller? Does your voice have some range? Is your voice sexy? Can you READ!?!

We have the stories professionally written. Looks do not matter because you will never be seen and will remain forever anonymous.

You will record the story at the assigned Boise office. This is strictly professional.

Reply back with your first name, age, location, and sex. If you would like to record a clean sentence it two and email that over as well, that would be great.
I will reply with a clean paragraph for you to read to me on the phone. If I hire you, you will be paid $25 per story read to start off with. If you have real talent, prices will be.

Location: Idaho -
Added on 4 days ago and expires on 8 August, Ad id: 448163          69 visits