Do you really want me to put on here how to wipe out the government? I could show you how one person could end the world much less this puny government. I could show you how one person with a pressure washer could wipe out millions. Do you really want me to put it on here for every nut job to do? At least I even though I know how won't do it. Anybody who has had tactical warfare training would know how to do anything I know how to do there is nothing magical about it. I could show you how 4 men could throw fear into the hearts of every American to the point you wouldn't even dare to hardly come out of your house do you really want me to share this info with every nut job out there? Your little piss ant opinion is not worth me putting that kind of info on here. If you want to learn how you go get the training. Here is just one little tidbit in time of war do you think you would be better off to kill your enemy or wound him? The answer is if you kill him you take one man off the field but if you wound him you take 3. Takes two men to carry him to safety and when they are doing that they are exposing themselves to gunfire. How about chemical you can do wonders? All these gun control fools I could do way more damage with some Tannerite then a few bullets. Think about it we are the Trojan Horse and we are already inside. I wont do any of this but I also don't go bitching about it because I am not going to do anything about it. Bitching is for those who will do something besides just run their mouth. That makes you a windbag so shut up.