Recently, within the last month, I acquired two male rats. They are now 6 months old and in great health. Both are active, intelligent animals. They enjoy playing, exploring, cuddling, and they are chatty. Wonderful and warm animals. They came from a home that was using rats as food for a pet snake, Nova was attempted to be used as food though the snake would not eat him. They came home with me that night. Not exactly ready for rats, I converted a bookshelf into a habitat for them to leave in. It is plenty big enough for them to run around and play in, though they will need an exterior play area as they are highly active, young rats. They are NOT fixed. They will need to be fixed before being caged with a female. They will only find their forever home as a pair. I have a large bag of food, it will last MONTHS. Literally. Their diet has otherwise included only organic food. They have never been around pine or cedar bedding, I have a very good amount of bedding, it should also last you months if you are filling their bedding area (that will be included). They have a potty- they only poop in it, and they are nearly potty trained completely. Romeo is an explorer by nature, very inquisitive and observate. Both respond to their name. Nova is nervous because of his precious experience, but he is also very curious. He will scurry when people approach. He will come to the word "treat", both will.