Seeking Filipina Other Asian actresses for UTR Films new movie (Colorado and Wyoming) hide this posting unhide

QR Code Link to This Post What Up Colorado / Wyoming Film Peeps (Pass This Along). Just a quick (not enough info shout out looking to see how many Filipina (from the Philippines) female professional actresses (film students too) there are in Colorado and Wyoming so I can have a good idea now for when I start posting my casting notices in a few months (which more info will be provided) for UTR Films 2nd new short movie, to be filmed on an awesome 6 acre ranch in beautiful Cheyenne Wyoming, this summer 2018. For right now I'll only be looking for the following for all the main lead roles / supporting roles:

- Professional actresses (new and seasoned veterans) Filipina females from the Philippines living in Colorado and / or Wyoming. 100% or 50% Filipina females (as long as they look more Filipina). Other Asian females who could pass for being a Filipina

- Filipina females (or other Asian's as mentioned above) who are or can look like their in their 20's / 30's even if their older and (requested but not required), trained in the military, stunts, martial arts, etc (no worries, no one will be doing anything physical enough to get hurt)

- Two Filipina female sisters (or other Asian's as mentioned above) who are 10 - 13 and the other 13 - 16 who still look alike even though their 3 - 6 years apart

Please email Headshots-(camera phone ok), Resume, Demo Reel-(youtube, vimeo - remove privacy settings) to

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Location: Wyoming -
Added on 19 hours ago and expires on 25 August, Ad id: 785137          115 visits