Please ask at front Desk at Platte Valley Antique Mall to see Dealer "CRB" Booths 322, 197 and 125. Primitives ,Collectibles , Old Vintage Signs. MORE THAN 800 SMALL ITEMS .Primitive Original Painted Cupboards , Cupboards with open shelves , Tables , Baskets , Carriers ,Totes , Firkins , Buckets. Very Early Red Scooter. Booth number 322 located as you walk into mall turn Right before front Desk and walk a little more than half way down first row and Booth 322 will be to your Right with Primitive Cupboards,Collectibles,and OLD signs on wall in back of Booth. Booth 197 Down Row from Booth 322, in Corner at end of row on your Right. Booth 197 has Red 1880's Rope Bed, 5 FOOT DOUBLED SIDED DEKALB Sign, PLUS About 30 OTHER SIGNS, tin chandelier Lights,Much more. Booth 125 located in last row of mall. Walk past front desk and turn Right and go almost to end of row and Booth 125 will be on back wall of mall with Wilcox Optical sign and OLIVER IMPLEMENT Sign on wall. I-80, EXIT 420, Between Omaha and Lincoln.Thanks for.