Skin Deep Mens Lamb Skin Jacket (Folsom, California)

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Arm Length: 34 inches
From the arm pit to the bottom: 19 inches
From the collar to the bottom (on the back): 32.5 inches
Chest: 46 inches
Below the second button at the waist: 21.5 inches
A classic three button jacket, combining exposed wool seams with leather trim finishes. Rever can be buttoned over with concealed buttons. New Zealand slink skins are produced from baby lambs that naturally die at birth. These skins are collected from farms all around New Zealand, before being sent to a local South Island tannery. All this is done within as shortest time frame as possible to guarantee the best quality skins are delivered to our design team. Only the best quality skins are used to carry the SkinDeep label. New Zealand slink skins are unique, in the fact that they provide excellent insulation qualities as well as incredible softness, allowing SkinDeep to produce strong and durable fashion garments, which are yet lighter in weight and heavier in elegance than traditional sheepskin products. SkinDeep follows consumer and fashion trends to produce both traditional and cutting edge garments, in both design and colour.
Jacket is brand new (never worn)
$700 (Cost includes shipping, jacket is $1,250 retail)
I will take payment via Paypal or money order

Location: Utah -
Added on 1 day ago and expires on 19 April, Ad id: 441354          103 visits