I have a lot of sealed Slim4Life/Slim 180 supplements for sale. I will list the expiration dates below, beside each supplement.
I'd like to sell each one for half (or less if expiration date is this year) OR I will sell the lot in its entirety for a further discount. See below. The Slim180 program in St. Louis is the exact same as the Slim4Life program in Kansas City. The only difference is that labeling of the bottles might be a bit different.
If you have any questions, let me know.
Free shipping if you purchase the entire lot!!!
Individual Prices:
4 Metabolizer Lite - $75 each, expire 6/17
4 Multi-Vitamin - $7.50 each, expire 10/17
3 Carb Trap - $10 each, considering expiration date is 11/15
2 KLB/Thyro Caps - $24.50 each, expire 6/17 and 7/17
2 Trim Lite metablizer - $60/each (over half), considering expiration date is 12/15
OR you can purchase the lot for: $500 (additional 5% discount over the 50-65% discount already listed).