HOW TO CREATE A POLICE STATE ; It is all connected. The NRA gives money donations to crooked politicians, mostly republicans, who vote against sensible gun control laws. The NRA bosses are the gun manufacturers who sell more hand guns and military assault rifles causing deadly shootings and mass murders of children and others.The public is afraid and terrorized and demand more police protection. The police become more powerful and violent assuming they must shoot first because most people are armed; some with assault weapons!
Today the scared public and parents are accepting Police Brutality and overcrowding of prisons, which are hallmarks of a POLICE STATE , because of the NRA's flood of guns that crooks and crazy people can get and quickly murder their children in school and innocent victims like themselves in public places! We have the best armed mad, bad and crazy people on earth thanks to greedy, Republican politicians. Today's Republican party is not the "big tent" moderate party of Ike, Nixon or Reagan. It has been bought and paid for by the 1% rich's donations who want to turn US into wage slaves of the Wall St. corporations and banks .
The solution is LESS guns not more as the NRA and the gun industry corporations , who want to make more profits , INSIST ! The more shootings and killings the more $$$ for everyone connected with this evil, business plan of the 1% rich to make US a complete Police State to control and loot the public AGAIN !
It is time to restrict the manufacture and sale of this deadly product, that is killing our children and US !

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