2015 is going to be another very busy year for S.P.I.R.I.T.S.!!!! Here's some confirmed dates, hope we will meet you at some of these great events!

SAT. March 28th--Loring Greenhough House-Jamica Plain-this is a fundraising lecture and they are charging a $10.00 donation at the door with a Reception afterwards

SAT. APRIL 11th--SALEM CON--Hawthorne Hotel, Salem --a $10.00 fee is charged at the door

SAT. APRIL 25th--PARANORMAL for PAWS--Franklin, MA--Fee or food donation at the door

THURS. MAY 7th--Gloucester Public Library--free lecture--7-9

THURS. JUNE 25th--Groton Public Library--free Lecture--7-9

SAT. and SUN. JULY 18th and 19th--OCEAN STATE PARA CON--R.I.

SAT. OCT. 17th--FISHER COLLEGE--free lecture for students and public--evening

FRI. OCT. 23rd--GREENFIELD Public Library--6-8--free lecture

PENDING-- MENDON Public Library----BOSTON LIGHTHOUSE-Brewster Island Boston Harbor! you can contact us for more details on these events!

Events and lectures are a lot of fun but our passion and knowledge is in the investigations lining up that we are very excited about, residentials, historic homes, another ship, it's going to be an interesting year!

We are very sad that the Merrimac Paper Mill in Lawrence was destroyed by fire recently, it was a very special investigation for us and I'm glad we took so many pictures of this historic, wonderful, huge building to share with others. We were very honored to be contacted by the owners of the Mill here on Craig's List!!!


Please let us help you, you are NOT crazy and you are NOT alone! We are a very experienced, professional, well respected and established paranormal investigation team from Winthrop called S.P.I.R.I.T.S. OF NEW ENGLAND, established in 2009. We will come to your home or other location to find the activity you are experiencing and determine if it is normal or "para" normal at NO COST to you. We all work full and part time jobs to pay for our equipment, gas and supplies. We spend our spare time helping clients find answers to their questions. We are just as curious to the activity going on as you are!

We have had the honor of training and investigating with the members of T.A.P.S. (The Atlantic Paranormal Society) from SyFy's GHOST HUNTERS show and follow their scientific and respectful approach to all our investigations. We are the first team to ever have our investigation results published in the TAPS Para-magazine with a full page Reveal in the May/June 2011 issue. We attended their Paranormal Boot Camps, and from there, we continue to learn and grow with every case.

We have also learned and investigated with some very well known and respected people in the Paranormal! From a cast member of the first season of Ghost Hunters International, a member of Ghost Hunters, a well known Demonologist and others, we feel we have learned from the very best!

We have been interviewed by the Boston Herald with a full page article, investigated and given lectures at colleges, done numerous radio shows and have had articles published on the Internet. We are very experienced with historic locations, private homes and have worked closely with the Navy as the first team ever on USS CONSTITUTION which we did with a two night in investigation with incredible evidence caught on video and on audio with and continuing activity. We also have done a ghost lecture on a tall ship around Boston Harbor talking about our own experiences and legends of the Boston Harbor!

If you need our help, please go to our website and fill out the client form so we can begin your case with accurate information and answer any questions you may have.

Have a ghost story or an experience you'd like to share? We'd love to read it! Questions? Please ask!

Know of a location we should investigate? Please let us know! Library lectures? Please contact us!

Thank you for all your emails and support and curiosity over the years and your questions and comments, we enjoy them reading very much! You can also join our page on Facebook at S.P.I.R.I.T.S of New England.

You can also watch part of our investigation of the USS CONSTITUTION on our website. Quite an honor!

Please check out our website! Listen to disembodied voices caught on recorders and video evidence

S.P.I.R.I.T.S. of NEW ENGLAND Paranormal Investigations
Winthrop, MA

Location: Massachusetts -
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