The Democrats are using the V.A. for a "Free Money" Pit! It seems like they are all in on it.They fudge the paper work to make it look like they are really doing something but in reality they are just stealing money,tax payer money. They actually gave themselves bonus's ? Our Vet's are dying while waiting for treatment and they give themselves a bonus? Now if you work for the V.A. and you move they will give you ten's of thousands of dollars? Tax payer dollars! Remember the I.R.S.? The pictures of the I.R.S. employee sitting in the hot tub with a glass of wine? The I.R.S. also just got Bonus's ,For "Not" providing customer service like answering the phone.Obama brought this corruption,this dishonesty,this evil in and the democrats just lap it all up....Screw you! I got mine SUCKERS....FIRE ALL CORRUPT GOVERNMENT WORKERS!!!!!!