Wordpress Professional Help And Great Wordpress Customer service

Tired of trying to update your WordPress site yourself? Do you want a WP Site Task service to get work done and manage your WordPress Site? You're in luck -- we specialize in getting all the work you could ever possibly want done on your WordPress website. We pride ourselves on our great customer service and helping our clients stop worrying about their WordPress website.

I am a musician from London with 5 years private tuition experience teaching adults and children here in Berlin.

I speak English and a little German.


My background covers a multitude of musical styles so during your first lesson we can talk about what you like and what you are aiming for if you have something in mind.

If you are a GUITAR BEGINNER...no problem. I'll first start you off learning instrument basics-parts of the guitar and how they work, holding the pick or plectrum, tuning methods, basic chords and riffs, timing and how to 'count' whilst playing, basic time signatures and maintenance checks and cleaning. There is a difference between playing RHYTHM and LEAD guitar so we can determine which one you are more interested in-or maybe both and I can teach you accordingly. DON'T BE SHY JUST GIVE IT A TRY, and after a few lessons and some practice at home you'll soon be playing and enjoying making your own music.

For INTERMEDIATE players I can teach you how to further develop structuring chord progressions, song arrangements, complex chords patterns, how to achieve that certain style or sound you might be looking for and any maintenance or technical stuff you may need to know.

BASS BEGINNERS will learn parts of the guitar and how they work, what the bass does in terms of sound and how it works within a band situation, basic scales including 'walking bass' techniques, how to use both a pick/plectrum and fingers to play and maintenance and cleaning.
BASS INTERMEDIATE players can benefit from learning how to further rhythm technique, harmonising, bass chords, sliding techniques, advanced maintenance and repair.


I have experience in the music world, so I can advice how to pursue a career in music as well as joining/forming a band, and much more.


If you are interested in a fine musician that can provide professional skills to coach yourself and/or a friend the art of playing the acoustic/electric guitar or acoustic/electric bass,
please contact me.
Please contact me by replying from here-craigslist or call/sms to and ask for Jon. :-)

Thank you for your time.
Lassen Sie uns zu bewegen, Sie von einem Haus zum anderen und wir können auch Ihr Zuhause makellos sauber. Alles in einem Job
Umzugswagen 40 Euro in Berlin eine Reise
Mehrere Reise werden zur Verfügung stehen, auch
Haus Reinigung ganze Haus 13 Euro pro Stunde

Verschieben Sie alle Elemente müssen aufgeschlüsselt werden und packen.
Müssen Ihre eigenen Vorräte für das Haus Reinigung
Bemerken Sie durch Ernennung nur 48 Std.
Last-Minute Umzug und Reinigung stehen zur Verfügung. Gegen eine Gebühr
Eine tägliche Reinigung Routine ist eine beschäftigte Person bester Freund. Siehst du, hier ist die Sache mit der Reinigung Haus: je öfter Sie es tun, je weniger Sie eigentlich zu tun haben. Das ist deshalb es eine gute Idee ist, eine schnelle, tägliche Reinigung-Routine, die Ihr Haus, suchen nette ständig zu halten wird.


Wischen Sie das Spüle-Becken sauber.
Buff Wasserflecken von Spiegel und Armatur.
Reinigen Sie die WC-Sitz und die Felge mit einem desinfizierenden Tuch.
Die Dusche, Badewanne und Dusche/Torblatt Spray mit hausgemachten tägliche Dusche-Spray.
Ersetzen Sie alle Make-up-gefärbten Handtücher oder Waschlappen mit saubere.
Überprüfen Sie den Boden. Fegen oder Dust Mop.


Leeren Sie den Geschirrspüler.
Leeren Sie die Senke von jedem schmutzigem Geschirr und geben Sie der Senke ein Peeling.
Erhalten Sie Ihre Küche Schwamm nass und Gestrüpp.
Sprühen Sie und wischen Sie Leistungsindikatoren und Appliance-Fronten.
Corral Unordnung auf einen ordentlichen Stapel.
Verwenden Sie ein feuchtes Tuch, um sich jeder spritzt auf den Boden zu wischen.
Werfen Sie den schmutzigen Spültuch in der Wäsche, und löschte eine saubere.
Haben Sie das Wort gut durchkämmen.

Wohn-und/oder Familienzimmer

Klären Sie alle Kissen und Decken auf dem Sofa, das einer der wichtigsten Knotenpunkte des Raumes ist.
NEAT, Zeitschriften, Bücher, Spiele und DVDs, die aussetzen.
Wischen Sie alle offensichtlich Krümel und Fingerabdrücke Tischplatten.
Überprüfen Sie den Boden. Verwenden Sie ein Teppich-Kehrmaschine oder Hand-Vakuum, um alle Kasinos vom Boden aufheben.
Ganze Haus Unterdruck, ggf.


Let Us Move you from one house to another and we can also Clean Your home spotless. All in one job

Moving Van 40 Euro in Berlin one trip
Multiple trip will be available also
House Cleaning Whole house 13 Euro per hour

**** To move all items must be broken down and pack.
**** Must have your own supplies for the house Cleaning
**** By Appointment only 48 hrs notice
**** Last minute Moving and Cleaning are available. For a fee
A daily cleaning routine is a busy person's best friend. See, here's the thing about cleaning house: the more often you do it, the less you actually have to do. That's why it's a good idea to have a quick, daily cleaning routine that will keep your house looking nice all the time.


Wipe the sink basin clean.
Buff water spots from mirror and faucet.
Wipe the toilet seat and rim with a disinfecting cloth.
Spray the shower, tub and shower door/curtain with homemade daily shower spray.
Replace any makeup-stained towels or wash cloths with clean ones.
Check the floor. Sweep or dust mop.


Empty the dishwasher.
Empty the sink of any dirty dishes, and give the sink a scrub.
Get your kitchen sponge wet and scrub.
Spray and wipe down counters and appliance fronts.
Corral any clutter into a neat pile.
Use a damp cloth to wipe up any splatters on the floor.
Toss the dirty dishtowel in the wash, and put out a clean one.
Give the floor a good sweep.

Living and/or Family Room

Straighten all pillows and blankets on the sofa, which is one of the room's major focal points.
Neaten magazines, books, games and DVDs that are sitting out.
Wipe away any obvious crumbs and fingerprints from table tops.
Check the floor. Use a carpet sweeper or hand vacuum to pick up any messes from floor.
Vaccuum whole House if

Location: Pennsylvania -
Added on 3 days ago and expires on 5 October, Ad id: 561242          62 visits