Work part time from home and make money by joining my team.

First off I just want to say, that this is not a scheme or something that is a waste of time. I thought so at first and debated for months about joining It Works as a distributor, and now that I have... I regret not doing so earlier. I am a single mother who is going to school, and this has definitely changed my world. I started out as a customer because not only have I seen first hand what the Hair, Skin and Nails supplements did for a couple of friends of mine, as well as the wraps... But I have a background in supplements and herbs, and once I read the ingredients and compared the prices to what we sell at my job (which I have no been able to go part time with), my jaw dropped. The ingredients of these products are natural and botanical based, which is something we all want and what a lot of people pay money for... In fact, I SEE people pay MORE money in the stores for supplements that don't contain nearly the quality or amount of ingredients that It Works products does. The proof is in the labels and in the photographs of real results.

I am looking for a couple of people to join my team and experience this with me. This is something that does not take up huge amounts of your time... You can promote the products on social networking like Facebook and Instagram, and make money from doing it. I thought it was too easy to be true at first and was skeptical, but I witnessed first hand my friend who is a single mother of two work hard at it, and within a year she has quit her full time job and is making three times what a lot of people do... All from home. Now that said, this is not something you just sign up for and wait around for the money to happen... You have to promote it. Talk about it, post photos about it, post information if you want to... You have to do work for it if you want to see the results. When you become a distributor, you want to line up what we call "Loyal Customers"... That is when a customer agrees to try a product once a month, for at least 3 months or longer, mix matching or same product, at up to 45% off what the retail price is. You collect a percentage off of that, and when you sign a distributor beneath you, you collect a percentage of what they earn as well. It sounds annoying, like a pyramid scheme, but it is not. It is an online business that is solely online, and building teams is optional... However it makes it easier to make more money, I will not lie. The bigger your team, the more money not only you, but YOUR WHOLE TEAM pulls in. It's not that bad when you think of how much time people spend on social networking... We all already do it, why not get paid for it?!

When you decide to become a distributor for It Works, you pay an initial $99 to receive your starter kit which contains a box of 4 wraps, 4 mini defining gels, fab wrap and all the literature and instructions you need to start your business. That is over $200 worth of product right there, and here is the sweet thing about it... You can sell those 4 wraps for $25-$30 each, making your money right back. Half the time, people want to spend the money for the wraps anyways and they can just invest in the business, and buy the starter kit instead for the same price, turn it around and make money.


I have attached before and after photos of the product results, as well as some of the averages that each level makes. If this sounds like something you are interested in, please don't hesitate to contact me and I will gladly answer questions and help you. If you choose to become part of my team, please know that you are NEVER on your own. I will always be available to help you and provide so many recourses to help you do well with your business. We are all in this together when it comes to the It Works family... Like I said, I just wish I had started sooner.

Email me for more information or check out my It Works website at bloominghealthworks...

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