Writers Wanted for Vape Unlimited Magazine (Los Angeles)

Hi, there. We are very excited to see that you are interested in joining our awesome team here at VAPE
UNLIMITED MAGAZINE. The people we are looking for are those with a great passion for vaping and also those who love the exciting field of journalism (writers and bloggers welcomed). If you think you would be a great fit as a writer then please contact us today for available opportunities for you. We would love to hear from you and your ideas and see how we can make a better magazine for the vaping community. YEAH!

We are planning to launch our online magazine website at the end of February and will being printing our premier issue in April. We are looking for writers to develop original content for both our online and printed platforms.

Are you a college student? We also love to work with college students looking for more experience as well as a project to add to their portfolio. This is a great credibility booster for all you aspiring writers and bloggers.

Want to know more? Here are what some of our writers have to say about working with us:

"It was an honor to write an article for Vape Unlimited Magazine. The deadlines and project scope are agreed on before writing begins. The editorial process is excellent, editors have very sharp eyes, and revisions are asked for politely and constructively - a rare trait in many editors. The entire writing processing with Vape Unlimited Magazine was so enjoyable I hope to write for them often."
- Alan K., freelance writer

"I had a great experience writing for Vape Unlimited. Their editors are great to collaborate with. They are easy going and bring a lot of great ideas to every article. They give great notes to things a writer brings to an article without taking away from the initial concept of the article."
- Jeremy B., freelance writer

Contact us today for more details.

To help us distinguish you from SPAM, please follow these easy and simple steps to move forward:
1) Write the subject of your email as "I am a Vape Writer" (this way we know you're not a robot. Haha)

2) In your email, write a short description of your writing background and provide a couple writing samples for us to review (this will help us get a better sense of your writing style and voice)

3) In your email, write a short description of your experience with vaping. Experience with vaping is required for this position. Whether you vape yourself or have an extreme passion for it (maybe you have friends or family who have quit tobacco smoking using it), let us know. We want to make sure that all our writers are writing about vaping with PASSION. This amazing industry was not created by mere research alone, but by great passion to quit tobacco and nicotine with the intent to live healthier lives. We truly believe vaping can change lives and we hope you do too.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Let's make it a great day! :)

With Warmth,

The Awesome Team @ VAPE UNLIMITED MAGAZINE...vaping to unlimited

Location: California -
Added on 1 day ago and expires on 19 April, Ad id: 284800          92 visits