WriterseditorsJournalists wanted for Alternative Media Website (Burlington)

I am looking for aspiring journalists, writers, and editors for a new alternative media & youth culture website. We are seeking various topics, and while we are geared mainly towards politics and current events, we are also interested in seeing: Album Reviews, Science (most notably biology, drugs and physics) pop culture, organic/natural/vegan/etc recipes, cultural/subcultural critiqués, anthropological/travel stories and more! If you have any questions about what else we may accept, feel free to contact us.

Also seeking:

SEO specialist

Currently, we are able to pay a percentage of our advertising revenue only, as this is a new venture. To apply send a resume/portfolio/writing samples links to social media (twitter/tumblr/instagram/facebook/etc) where applicable.

Location: Vermont -
Added on 1 day ago and expires on 19 April, Ad id: 562068          73 visits