x00241900 Housing Wanted Venice or Santa Monica

My name is Halley and my fiance is Rio. We are originally from New Mexico, but have been in LA for one year now. We are looking for a living situation on the Westside starting May 5. We are a very quiet little family (have one dog and one cat) who are into the outdoors (climbing, camping, snowboarding) and who live a healthy lifestyle. I am a stylist here in LA, and Rio flies back and forth managing his family business in New Mexico. We are looking for a new living situation in the 1500-1900 range. We are open to micro cottages, eco friendly, apartments, guest houses, what have you. We are respectful, and our pets are very well behaved (and so friendly!), and we have several references from past landlords vouching for that. It is difficult to find housing for both a dog and a cat here in LA, so we are willing to pay a higher deposit if you feel that is necessary. We also would love to help out around the house, grounds, garden etc. I love to cook (I had a food blog for 3 years) and specialize in gluten free, paleo, and just plain nourishing foods. If you feel like we could be a good fit for you, please contact us!

Location: California -
Added on 26 days ago and expires on 11 July, Ad id: 379120          65 visits