Basically, if you have a credit score of 620+ you can buy now, at least 600, programs available to help assist in the buying process. You work so hard for your money and when you rent, it is like throwing it out the window. You just see no rewards!
When you own a home you will see a difference in thousands every year from the difference of your mortgage payment verses what you paid for rent. You also receive hundreds in income taxes every month on that hard working paycheck. You also don't have to make as much income when you buy verses when you rent, (kind of a crazy thought huh?) You also will have much more of a house with the same payment of a mortgage verses a rental. Of course, let's not forget about the Investment! This giving you and your family the peace and stability you have worked so hard for. If you are ready to take that step, we are here to make it happen. Please send your credit score-annual income-how long at place of employment-phone number-are you in a lease now and when does it expire-any foreclosures or bankruptcies in the past- Once we receive your information by text or email provided above, someone will be with you soon after. I am a licensed professional real estate agent and my information is provided in the reply option above, thank you*
*The price listed is an estimated payment--everyone and every home is different. Picture shown is for advertisement only* All Virginia
**Come take advantage of the 5K grant available to assist towards your down**