x0024675 Room available (410 St. Paul Street)

Hi, I'm looking for a professional or grad student to share a two bedroom apartment in the south end of Burlington. The bedroom is spacious and sunny as are the shared living room and kitchen. There is a washer and dryer, basement for storage, off street parking and a large front porch.
Rent for the room is $675 dollars a month. The heat, electricity and Internet bills would be shared. They are generally low in the summer and go up a bit in the colder months.
The apartment is located in a great neighborhood less than 10 minutes walking distance to downtown Burlington. I am a professional cook who works mostly evenings so if you are a student or 9 to 5'er you'd have the place to yourself quite a bit. Dogs and or cats are welcome.The room is available on July.

Location: Vermont -
Added on 1 day ago and expires on 19 April, Ad id: 511362          76 visits